Sunday 25 September 2011

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Thursday 22 September 2011

Grab the opportunity to live with an AED Philips Save

!±8± Grab the opportunity to live with an AED Philips Save

Be prepared for emergencies, cardiac arrest. According to the American Heart Association, you can do so knowing the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest, call emergency services immediately if warning signs are visible, and provide resuscitation to maintain life in the victim. With a Philips AED on hand will also help to save a victim of cardiac arrest.

In cardiac arrest, or SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) is a medical condition in which the heart suddenly stops beating, because theIn both cases the heart beats irregularly or beats slow. Sudden death may occur immediately to five 56 minutes after the onset of symptoms. Although fatal cardiac arrest is reversible if adequate treatment is given immediately.

Defibrillation is the most effective treatment for cardiac arrest. It involves the application of an electric shock to restore the victim's heart to its normal beat. The use of automated external defibrillators increased survival rate of suddenCardiac arrest up to 49%. Every minute that passes without the relief of the victim reduces the chances of survival of seven to 10 percent. According to the AHA, more than 95 percent of cardiac arrest die before reaching the hospital.

AEDs are available in many public areas such as shopping malls, restaurants, airports, stadiums, casinos and many others available. However, studies show that most Americans are reluctant to administer CPR and are afraid to use AEDs in emergency cardiac arrest.With the right training you can overcome these feelings of hesitation and fear.

The American Red Cross offers affordable rates to perform CPR and use AEDs Philips teach you to prepare. Anyone of any age group, of which the courses. If you have special needs, can the Red Cross training to suit your needs. After you have completed the training referred to above, the rescuer becomes certified with a certificate nationally recognized course completion.

BeTraining to become a rescuer certificate is very critical. Acquired more than 930,000 American lives each year from heart disease. Some 350,000 of them were of sudden cardiac arrest. If you know your family and your community, such as the use of Philips' defibrillator, can be accessed from 20,000 to 100,000 people living who can help will be saved with the help of a number of AED programs.

The AHA emphasizes the importance of CPR and defibrillator to the victim until the ambulance service SCAKey personnel. Based on reports, most victims die because people do not know what to do to help the victim.

If you know how to perform CPR and operate Philips defibrillator, grasp the opportunity to save a life. Philips AED is a device easy to use, the system lead to an ad while you are saving features of a victim of SCA. The voice sounds like a normal person, but not to run like a normal person not in the difficult scenes. It keeps your pace, taking care not toagitated trying to resuscitate a patient. There are clear instructions on what to do. Also remember to call EMS.

AED can be used for people of all ages, including infants and children victims of SCA to deliver shocks of Philips. You can also use the ECG data of patients who are treated by EMS, arrive as soon as they can.

Grab the opportunity to live with an AED Philips Save

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Sunday 18 September 2011

AED: Making the most valuable investment you'll ever

!±8± AED: Making the most valuable investment you'll ever

How much does a human life worth? If there were a way you can potentially save lives - maybe even - with an investment of only $ 1,000, you would do the business? Obviously! With the best technology and the rapidly falling prices, can now all access to the extraordinary life-saving devices such as an automated external defibrillator, or AED known.

An AED is a lightweight and portable that can be called jumpstart the heart of a victim by an electrical impulsebiphasic shock. Guide the rescuer with a combination of simple and clear language, text and graphical instructions, AEDs do nearly all the work, so that virtually all save a life!

According to the resource site A Heart Start AED, devices are increasingly found itself in a variety of environments, including schools, public buildings and airports across the country. Many doctors consider the AEDs to be more efficient and easier to use than CPR, especiallyeven a layman novice can successfully restart a heart with the touch of a button. This is great news for all those who have heart problems in the vicinity of an AED. Although rescuers are usually guide to respond to heart attack victims, time spent is often too great for people who suffer from heart failure. If you suffer from the risk of you, a loved one or a colleague by a heart attack, you should consider purchasing an AED for yourHome or office, to give piece of mind.

Schools are ready to jump on the moving train AED Even the decision to invest in the defibrillators to ensure the safety and protection of their students, teachers, and parents. These devices can be very useful when a young person in cardiac arrest due to an unknown heart problem, which is facing aggravated during a sporting event or activity. Many young people are lucky to have a great chance second chance in life through a given AED.

Although manyAEDs are never used, you should be sure to have a model of high quality and well maintained for each event of the day comes when you have to save someone's life. Defibrillators quality, such as the Phillips HeartStart Defibtech Lifeline and costs about $ 1,250, while the higher-end models of Medtronic Welch Allyn, and just over $ 2,000. Often you can find a used or refurbished AEDs for less than $ 1,000. While most of the units will sit gathering dust for years, make sure that the followingMaintenance recommended by the manufacturer, so should your AED is working properly, the call of duty ever. Defibrillator saves life of a single day!

AED: Making the most valuable investment you'll ever

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Friday 16 September 2011

Philips AED CPR and emergency kits - Advantages and procedures

!±8± Philips AED CPR and emergency kits - Advantages and procedures

Philips EMT provides a life saving device to deliver an electric shock to victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Victims of sudden cardiac arrest may be a person of any age or fitness level. During cardiac arrest, the heart begins to beat rapidly and quiver of the victim, but also to pump blood effectively no more. Defibrillation helps restore a normal heartbeat. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), about 350,000 Americans suffer sudden cardiac arrestand help them in time, you can save about 20,000 to 100,000 of them.

Early defibrillation is the key to the rescue of a victim.

The best thing about defibrillators or that this user-friendly devices and can be used for the formation of a layman to the minimum requirements. The standard feature video-making and word HeartStart AEDs are very easy for rescuers to use the device. Human life is precious and you can help save a victim of sudden cardiac arrest with the AED Lifesaving devices.

o It is important that the victim is helped in time, since a delay may cause him to lose his life. AEDs are portable, compact and easy to use, anyone can use a defibrillator in an emergency with basic training. You can learn to use a coach Laerdal AED Trainer 2 Laedral how, stand Philips HeartStart FRx Trainer, ZOLL AED Plus ® Trainer 2 and Defibtech AED training alone. These trainers are ideal to train lay people and healthProfessionals to use the AED devices in a medical emergency.

Methods for maintenance or AED

o There are many ways to keep your mouth CPR kit in perfect condition. Checklists AED play a key role in maintaining AEDs. The inspection data should be saved for future recordings.

Checklist of daily maintenance, or EDA: The EDA must be cleaned every day, so it is free from dust, dirt and impurities. The AED device should be placed at the point where clearly visible andaccessible. The daily check list includes parameters such as checking the status indicator, battery installation, audible visual alarm service, and external components and sockets for cracks. The daily check must be trained by someone who can carefully examine the availability of equipment will be made.

Checklist or maintenance AED Monthly: A monthly check should be made by the AED Coordinator to verify the functionality of the devices. The auxiliary-AED as a pad, pocketMask, gloves, razors, gauze, PC cards and batteries should be checked every 30 days. The expiration date on the package should be checked to ensure there are no obsolete or accessories to be in the field. One of the most important factors in the AED monthly checklist to perform a battery load test (BIT) test entry before repacking AED devices after use.

or American Red Cross CPR and AED has developed programs to provide confidence and awarenessin the general population. In addition to programs for professional rescuers, there are programs that serve to provide CPR and defibrillation, if someone has a sudden cardiac arrest in your family or the community prepared for the sacrifice. There are courses that will help you prepare for the victims of SCA in the workplace and in schools.

or practical exercises should be AED staff in cases where organizations and students and teachers and other people who are helping the victims. TheExercises include the simulation of emergency in cardiac arrest victims with dolls. Several scenarios can be used for practical exercises for effective training. After the performance of the drill helper must be analyzed in order to propose improvements. Trainees AED emergency exercises are step by step for the convenience and ease forward.

Philips AED CPR and emergency kits - Advantages and procedures

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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Things to consider when purchasing an AED

!±8± Things to consider when purchasing an AED

An automated external defibrillator or AED is a key piece of lifesaving equipment for schools, public buildings, offices and even homes. Consider purchasing an AED, if you go over the health and safety of people in your business or home. These lifesaving devices are considered easier to use and more effective CPR to help patients suffering from heart attack. Countless lives have been an electrical charge delivered to the heart of accumulation ofclick of a button. If you are interested in purchasing an AED, there are several things to keep in order to be sure to purchase a defibrillator, which best suits your needs. Although most AEDs will never need to be used, you want to be sure that you are an effective and well-maintained equipment on hand in case an emergency happens.

AEDs are lightweight, portable devices that allow you to start the heart of a victim by an electrical pulse called a biphasic shock.Guiding the rescuer with a combination of simple and clear voice, text and graphical instructions, AEDs do nearly all of the work, enabling practically anyone save a life!

The AED resource Web site Start A Heart suggests that, as with any piece of technology, you first familiarize yourself with the most popular models. There are several companies that market high quality Automated External Defibrillators, including Phillips, Medtronic, and Heartsine. Each of these companies offers similar Easy to use and highly effective anti-epileptic drugs, albeit with slight variations. Most are portable and durable, and offer simple and clear voice instructions on how to start a new heart.

The next thing you notice when you buy an AED for the purpose of your purchase. Some AEDs are easy to be left up to them to call are stored, while the more sophisticated devices are often used by rescue professionals in action. If, after an AED in search of a campus, consider buying aA device that is specifically designed for pediatric use. For example, the Phillips HeartStart is available in different models for children and adults. This is a crucial difference, because children are not able to get the same effect as a shock to the heart that a grown man or woman able to manage sustainable. If you are looking for a device that can easily shaken children and adults looking for, you should find a car that can accommodate a flexible environment for all ages and sizes.

Many people areexcessive in relation to the size of the Automated External Defibrillator affected. Modern AEDs are very small and portable, making these huge, bulky models is often found in operating rooms and emergency room space is not useful and can be easily transported to a nearby town. In addition, this format allows the price much cheaper than the monsters in hospitals or doctors' find. Quality AEDs starting at about $ 1,200, although you can find models for less than its renewed$ 1,000.

Regardless of the reasons for or the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator, such a move today. The purchase could literally save a life and should not be delayed by any means. If necessary, you should have a fundraiser to collect the amount needed to purchase an AED for a school, office or public place. An AED on hand can literally be the difference between life and death, when it comes to heart-related emergencies.

Things to consider when purchasing an AED

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Monday 12 September 2011

The purchase of a good home defibrillator

!±8± The purchase of a good home defibrillator

Compare buy different defibrillator models online and read reviews by Consumer Reports or types of magazines before. To avoid a particular attention to the details of product recalls, defective equipment and widespread problems with the model as a possible sign of a trademark. You must be able to count on this product to work if an emergency occurs, so as to ensure that you really need the best home defibrillators. If you are interested in a particular brand, leadTo check an online search of callbacks and complaints. You must expect to be able to work at home defibrillator when you need it.

You should be able to easily operate the defibrillators better at home. These devices are for use by people who are not doctors and should not be too difficult to determine its use. Some devices are equipped with verbal instructions you provided through the process of using the device. Do not buy a device to see if there are advertisements ReviewsVideo. This will give you an idea of ​​how good you are with their approach and the way they explain things clearly. Although it is important that the defibrillator works on demand, it is equally important that you are able to be used.

Companies that are best for home defibrillators proud to stand behind their products with the production guarantees - be sure to compare them. These are devices that are designed not only to save lives, they are also veryTo purchase complicated and expensive.

For these reasons, we want to ensure you can easily, if there is any problem with him, replacement or repair of the equipment. Some companies offer more protection than others. You should know that the defibrillator is reliable and you buy a good warranty is the manufacturer of the way to let you know that behind their product.

It 'important when buying something as important as a defibrillator at home, that thebest. Because this product is designed to save the lives of you or someone you love, you do not want to sacrifice necessary features. Research all your options and choose the brand that has the most to offer for your unique needs. Each of these things will help you identify the best defibrillator for your needs.

The purchase of a good home defibrillator

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